Sunday, 25 March 2018

On a Date with the Matchmakers....

"Never give up on love if that is what is in your heart"
                                                               -Nick Vujicic

Being in relationship is one thing, and to make it work with success is another.  This statement is  especially true in the case of people with disabilities, as they usually have a hard time. finding an equilibrium among both these aspects .

But organisation like Inclov act as a 'walking aid' for the specially- abled,  assisting them on the road of love by providing them with the right kind of soulmate at the right time. 

Inclov is the world’s first matchmaking app designed for people with disabilities and health disorders to find a life partner of their choice. It provides people with disabilities a platform to meet new people, make friends, find love, form new connections. Inclov is fully accessible to everyone including people with visual impairment and matches people on the basis of medical condition, cure availability, level of independence and lifestyle choices.

Recently I attended one of the most popular meet-up event of Inclove known as ' Inclov Social Spaces' in Chandigarh. Such meet-up event invites specially-abled from all around the city to come together at one common place to meet and greet each other, have fun and maybe find that special someone for yourself. These events take place at a location, fully accessible for the specially abled.

Here are some pictures of the event :

So Did I Find the love of my Life????


I am already in so much love  with the goals of my  life that I can't think of any other love right now :)

According to me, love has many facets. It is more than just meeting of two soulmates, or finding the right kind of life partner. 

Love is like a multiple choice questionnaire. You can choose from an array of options. From  devotion, passion, compassion, to an urge to do something in your life. The list is endless and so is love....

No matter what  option (or options) you choose, you are always choosing love in one form or the other. Because at the end of the day, love in something eternal and beyond boundaries.