It was one of my Best Birthday ever!
Because I celebrated it with my 'true friends'
Who 'true friends' really are???
Well, the answer may vary from person to person.
But if you ask me, ' true friends' are those precious gems who can never lose their shine in your life :)
I celebrated my birthday with my old friends at an NGO which works for the welfare of the specially-abled.
The friends whom I invited were also specially-abled in some way or the other..But despite their challenges, they still came just for me :)
Many of my friends are working . Hence they took a half day leave and some even took a complete day off from their respective jobs to celebrate with me :)
So inspite of having a busy schedule and being a specially-abled themselves, they came to enhance the 'happiness' of my birthday celebrations :)
One of my friend at NGO said, "How-come so many friends have come for your birthday??? .Do you have some sort of magic wand or what"????
Its not my magic neither do I have any sort of magical powers!
But its the magic of 'true friendship'
I feel myself very much blessed to have such 'real' friends
Such rare friends are hard to find in today's world where everyone is living for themselves .
Here are some picture of that memorable moment :)

It was one of my Best Birthday ever!
Because I celebrated it with my 'true friends'
Who 'true friends' really are???
Well, the answer may vary from person to person.
But if you ask me, ' true friends' are those precious gems who can never lose their shine in your life :)
I celebrated my birthday with my old friends at an NGO which works for the welfare of the specially-abled.
The friends whom I invited were also specially-abled in some way or the other..But despite their challenges, they still came just for me :)
Many of my friends are working . Hence they took a half day leave and some even took a complete day off from their respective jobs to celebrate with me :)
So inspite of having a busy schedule and being a specially-abled themselves, they came to enhance the 'happiness' of my birthday celebrations :)
One of my friend at NGO said, "How-come so many friends have come for your birthday??? .Do you have some sort of magic wand or what"????
Its not my magic neither do I have any sort of magical powers!
But its the magic of 'true friendship'
I feel myself very much blessed to have such 'real' friends
Such rare friends are hard to find in today's world where everyone is living for themselves .
Here are some picture of that memorable moment :)